
Principal Investigator

Distinguished Professor

Postdoctoral Researchers

Postdoctoral Researcher

Graduate Students

Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher, Quantum Foundry Associate
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher

Masters Students

Undergraduate Students


Name Graduation Date Currently at Job Title
Kaikai Liu Psi Quantum Photonic Circuit Designer
Jiawei Wang Analog Photonics Silicon Photonics Test Engineer
Nitesh Chauhan CU Boulder / NIST Postdoctoral Researcher
Flame Feng UPenn PhD student
Makoto Endo
Grant Brodnik CU Boulder / NIST Postdoctoral Researcher
Qiancheng Zhao Southern University of Science and Technology Assistant Professor
Cátia Pinho Visiting Researcher
Sarat Chandra Gundavarapu Harvard Medical School Research Fellow
Taran Huffman GenXComm
Michael Belt Quintessent Design Engineer
Renan Moreira Ultra-low-loss Technologies CEO
Philip Skahan SLD Laser Member of Technical Staff
John Garcia
Kim Nguyen Intel Product Engineer
Wenzao Li Google Hardware Engineer
Demis John UCSB Nanofab Process Scientist Manager
Erica Lively Exponent Principal Engineer
Kimani Williams
Henrik Poulsen
Curtis Hollar
Steve Nicholes
Mellissa Chun
John Mack
Brian Koch
Walt Donat
Joseph Summers
Vikrant Lal
Suresh Rangarajan
Steven Sakamoto
Andree Ng
Chi-Heng Huang
Wenbin Zhao
Marcelo Davanco NIST
Matthew Sysak
Wei Wang
Ramesh Rajaduray
Milan Mašanović Freedom Photonics CEO
Olivier Jerphagnon
Lavanya Rau
Olga Lavrova
Christoph Scholz
Mark Vaughn
Milo Brown
Nitin Kothari
Greg Fish
Beck Mason
Xuejin Yan
Zhaoyang Hu
Giammaro Rossi
David Wolfson
Yuya Nemoto
Tomofumi Kise
Biljana Stamenic
Jonathon Barton
Jared Bauters
Mable Fok
Tommy Berg
Mads Nielsen
Gabriella BoscoInter
Vitorio Curri
Andrea Carena
Roberto Gaudino