Our lab designs, fabricates, tests, and integrates photonic devices and systems in silicon nitride. These devices leverage the low optical loss of silicon nitride to realize novel functionality such as ultra-high-Q waveguide resonators, narrow linewidth on-chip laser sources, and photonic molecules. We demonstrate these devices operating at the system scale in applications ranging from atomic-referenced metrology, to low power, ultra-high-capacity optical communications for tomorrow’s energy efficient hyperscale data centers.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We adhere to the basic principle that members of our community should treat each other with respect and decency at all times, and that we should not alienate, diminish, or insult each other, personally or professionally, either in word or deed. Based on this principle, we believe that well-being, respect, inclusion, collaboration, and mentorship are moral imperatives that are vital to our teaching and research mission. As individuals and as a community we constantly work to avoid all forms of discrimination, including explicit, implicit, and/or unintended bias.


New Group Name! Formerly known as OCPI, we have updated our group name to the OCAQπ Group

Open Positions We are looking for exceptional postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, and undergraduate students to join our team. Contact Professor Blumenthal at danb@ece.ucsb.edu with a brief description of interests and CV attached.

Recent News

December 25, 2024

Our review article, "Enabling photonic integrated 3D magneto-optical traps for quantum sciences and applications" was published in the December issue of Optica Quantum and its graphic was chosen for the cover art.

December 10, 2024

"Photonic integrated coil cavity ultra-low linewidth stabilized lasers and applications"

November 20, 2024

Excited to share that our work on photonic integrated ultra-narrow linewidth lasers at 780 nm has been published in Nature Scientific Reports.

October 30, 2024

Prof. Blumenthal and his group at UCSB are officially part of the University of Colorado led Q-SEnSE NSF QLCI (Quantum Leap Challenge Institute).

October 29, 2024

Our recent paper is ranked in the list of Photonics Research Top Downloads from July-September 2024.

September 21, 2024

Our journal publication entitled 'Anneal-free ultra-low loss silicon nitride integrated photonics' was selected by Light: Science & Applications (LSA) as the Top Downloaded Paper in August 2024.

Funding sources
Funding sources
Academic and government collaborators
Academic and government collaborators
Industry Affiliates
Industry Affiliates