Optics Letters: Integrated photonic molecule Brillouin laser with a high-power sub-100-mHz fundamental linewidth
We publish the results of our ultra-low phase noise, high output power stimulated Brillouin laser that uses a photonic-molecule integrated resonator design to suppress the higher order Stokes modes.

Here we report an integrated stimulated Brillouin laser (SBL), based on a photonic molecule coupled resonator design, that achieves a sub-100-mHz fundamental linewidth with greater than 10-mW output power in the C band, fabricated on a 200-mm silicon nitride (Si3N4) CMOS-foundry compatible wafer-scale platform. The photonic molecule design is used to suppress the second-order Stokes (S2) emission, allowing the primary lasing mode to increase with the pump power without phase noise feedback from higher Stokes orders.