arXiv Release: Trapped ion qubit and clock operations with a visible wavelength photonic coil resonator stabilized integrated Brillouin laser
In this work we present a transformational advance in integrated trapped ion quantum information processor, sensing, and timing systems.

Here we report the first demonstration of chip-scale optical clock and qubit operations on a trapped ion using a photonic integrated direct-drive visible wavelength Brillouin laser stabilized to an integrated 3-meter coil-resonator reference cavity and the optical clock transition of a 88Sr+ion trapped on a surface electrode chip.
We also demonstrate for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, trapped-ion spectroscopy and qubit operations such as Rabi oscillations and high fidelity (99%) qubit state preparation and measurement (SPAM) using direct drive integrated photonic technologies without bulk optic stabilization cavities or second harmonic generation.