Displaying 451 - 475 of 480
D. J. Blumenthal, Feuerstein, R. J., and Sauer, J. R., "A Multihop 2x2 All-Optical Photonic Packet Switch," 1364-1368 (1994).
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D. J. Blumenthal, Feuerstein, R. J., and Sauer, J. R., "First demonstration of multihop all-optical packet switching," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 6, 457-460 (1994).
D. J. Blumenthal, Feuerstein, R. J., and Sauer, J. R., "Multihop 2 x 2 photonic packet switch with header reinsertion," ThN1 (1994).
D. J. Blumenthal, "Bandwidth limits in all-optical multihop photonic packet-switched networks," WM10 (1994).
D. J. Blumenthal, Prucnal, P. R., and Sauer, J. R., "Photonic packet switches: Architectures and experimental implementations," Proceedings of the IEEE 82, 1650-1667 (1994).
A. V. Ramanan, Jordan, H. F., Sauer, J. R., and Blumenthal, D. J., "An extended fiber-optic backplane for multiprocessors," 1, 462-470 (1994).
D. J. Blumenthal, Multiwavelength Photonic Packet Switched Interconnects (1993).
D. J. Blumenthal, . Y. Chen, K., Ma, J., Feuerstein, R. J., and Sauer, J. R., "Demonstration of a deflection routing 2* 2 photonic switch for computer interconnects," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 4, 169-173 (1992).
D. J. Blumenthal, . Y. Chen, K., Ma, J., and Sauer, J. R., "A two-by-two photonic switch for computer interconnects," WH8 (1992).
D. J. Blumenthal, Sauer, J. R., Lee, H., and Van Zeghbroeck, B., "A Packet-rate Real-time Reconfigurable Photonic Switch For Computer Interconnects," A11—A12 (1992).
D. J. Blumenthal and Sauer, J. R., "Multiwavelength information processing in gigabit photonic switching networks," 43-54 (1992).
J. R. Sauer, Blumenthal, D. J., and Ramanan, A. V., "Photonic interconnects for gigabit multicomputer communications," LTS, IEEE 3, 12-19 (1992).
P. R. Prucnal, Blumenthal, D. J., and Santoro, M. A., "OFC 891WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON199," (1989).
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D. J. Blumenthal, Prucnal, P. R., Thylen, L., and Granestrand, P., "Self-routing of 12.5-Gbit/s data through an 8 X 8 LiNbO3 optical crossbar switch matrix with gigahertz switching speed," ThL1 (1988).
D. J. Blumenthal and Thylen, L., "A parallel optical processor for control of optical crossbar switches," Proc. 14th ECOC 268-271 (1988).
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P. R. Prucnal, Blumenthal, D. J., and Perrier, P. A., "Self-routing optical switch with optical processing," 193-195 (1988).
P. Prucnal, Blumenthal, D., and Perrier, P., "Photonic switch with optically self-routed bit switching," IEEE Communications Magazine 25, 50-55 (1987).
P. R. Prucnal, Blumenthal, D. J., and Santoro, M. A., "12.5 Gbit/s fibre-optic network using all-optical processing," Electronics Letters 23, 629-630 (1987).
P. R. Prucnal, Blumenthal, D. J., and Perrier, P. A., "Self-routing photonic switching demonstration with optical control," Optical Engineering 26, 265473-265473 (1987).
G. Mourou, Stancampiano, C. V., and Blumenthal, D., "Picosecond microwave pulse generation," Applied Physics Letters 38, 470-472 (1981).
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G. Mourou, Blumenthal, D., Stancampiano, C. V., and Gabel, C. W., "Picosecond microwave pulse generation," (1980).
W. Bacon, Barton, J. S., Beaman, B., Becker, D., Bennett, C. V., Benzoni, A. M., Beranek, M. W., WC, T. B., Blauvelt, H. A., and Blumenthal, D. J., "Aldridge, N. ThB3 Avak, A. TuA2," (n.d.).
D. J. Blumenthal, "Distributed Raman Amplification for Ultra-High-Speed Fiber Cross-Phase-Modulation Wavelength Converters," (n.d.).
H. F. Chou, Chiu, Y. J., Wang, W., Bowers, J. E., and Blumenthal, D. J., "Compact 160-Gb/s demultiplexer using a single-stage electrically gated electroabsorption," Info: (n.d.).