
Displaying 351 - 375 of 480


L. Rau, Doshi, R., Rangarajan, S., Chiu, Y., Blumenthal, D. J., and Bowers, J. E., "Analog performance of an ultrafast sampled-time all-optical fiber XPM wavelength converter," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 15, 560-562 (2003).
W. Wang, Poulsen, H. N., Rau, L., Blumenthal, D. J., Chou, H. -F., Bowers, J. E., and Lars, G. -N., "80-Gb/s regenerative wavelength conversion using a hybrid Raman/EDFA gain-enhanced XPM converter with highly-nonlinear-fiber," TuH2 (2003).
W. Wang, Poulsen, H. N., Rau, L., Chou, H. -F., Bowers, J. E., Blumenthal, D. J., and Grüner-Nielsen, L., "Regenerative 80-Gb/s fiber XPM wavelength converter using a hybrid Raman/EDFA gain-enhanced configuration," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 15, 1416-1418 (2003).
A. Xing, Davanco, M., Blumenthal, D. J., and Hu, E. L., "Systematic transmission characterization of 2D InP photonic crystal membrane structures," JWC6 (2003).
X. Yan, Davanco, M., Masanovic, M., Zhao, W., and Blumenthal, D. J., "InP laterally tapered wide-bandwidth optical power splitter," (2003).


D. J. Blumenthal, Bowers, J., Chiu, Y. -J., Chou, H. -F., Olsson, B. -E., Rangarajan, S., Rau, L., and Wang, W., "Optical packet switching and associated optical signal processing," IEEE LEOS Newsl 16, 39-41 (2002).
D. J. Blumenthal, "All-Optical Label Swapping for the Future Internet," Optics and Photonics News 13, 22-25 (2002).
G. Bosco, Olsson, B. E., and Blumenthal, D. J., "Pulsewidth distortion monitoring in a 40-Gb/s optical system affected by PMD," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 14, 307-309 (2002).
L. Ceuppens, Jerphagnon, O. L., Lang, J., Banerjee, A., and Blumenthal, D. J., "Intelligent optical networking with photonic cross connections," 1-14 (2002).
H. -F. Chou, Chiu, Y. -J., Bowers, J. E., Rau, L., Rangarajan, S., and Blumenthal, D. J., "Standing-wave Enhanced Electroabsorption Modulator for 80Gb/s to 10Gb/s OTDM Demultiplexing," Proc. ECOC 2002 3, (2002).
M. Davanco, Blumenthal, D., and Thylén, L., "An extremely narrowband directional coupler wavelength filter based on electromagnetically induced transparency," IThF2 (2002).
S. Han, Lal, N., Lee, C. H., Matinpour, B., Laskar, J., and Blumenthal, D. J., "Single-MMIC four-channel transmitter module for multichannel RF/optical subcarrier multiplexed communications applications," Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 50, 1173-1179 (2002).
O. A. Lavrova, Rau, L., and Blumenthal, D. J., "10-Gb/s agile wavelength conversion with nanosecond tuning times using a multisection widely tunable laser," Journal of Lightwave Technology 20, 712 (2002).
M. Masanovic, Skogen, E. J., Barton, J. S., Sullivan, J., Blumenthal, D. J., and Coldren, L. A., "Cascaded multimode interference-based 1x2 light splitter for photonic integrated circuits," IThA5 (2002).
M. L. Nielsen, Olsson, B. -E., and Blumenthal, D. J., "Pulse extinction ratio improvement using SPM in an SOA for OTDM systems applications," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 14, 245-247 (2002).
B. -E. Olsson and Blumenthal, D. J., "Pulse restoration by filtering of self-phase modulation broadened optical spectrum," Journal of Lightwave Technology 20, 1113 (2002).
L. Rau, Rangarajan, S., Blumenthal, D. J., Chou, H. -F., Chiu, Y. -J., and Bowers, J. E., "Two-hop all-optical label swapping with variable length 80Gb/s packets and 10Gb/s labels using nonlinear fiber wavelength converters, unicast/multicast output and a single eam for 80-to 10Gb/s packet demultiplexing," FD2 (2002).
L. Rau, Rangarajan, S., Wang, W., and Blumenthal, D. J., "All-optical add-drop of an OTDM channel using an ultra-fast fiber based wavelength converter," 259-261 (2002).
L. Rau, Wang, W., Olsson, B. -E., Chiu, Y., Chou, H. -F., Blumenthal, D. J., and Bowers, J. E., "Simultaneous all-optical demultiplexing of a 40-Gb/s signal to 4 x 10 Gb/s WDM channel s using an ultrafast fiber wavelength converter," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 14, 1725-1727 (2002).
W. Wang, Rau, L., and Blumenthal, D. J., "40 Gbps all-optical wavelength conversion using XPM in a distributed fiber Raman amplifier," Proc. OAA 2002 (2002).
X. Yan, Masanovic, M. L., Skogen, E. J., Hu, Z., Blumenthal, D. J., and Coldren, L. A., "Optical mode converter integration with InP-InGaAsP active and passive waveguides using a single regrowth process," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 14, 1249-1251 (2002).
X. Yan, Masanovic, M. L., Skogen, E. J., Hu, Z., Blumenthal, D. J., and Coldren, L. A., "Semiconductor Lasers and Amplifiers-Optical Mode Converter Integration With InP-InGaAsP Active and Passive Waveguides Using a Single Regrowth Process," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 14, 1249-1251 (2002).


D. J. Blumenthal, "Routing packets with light," Scientific American 284, 96-99 (2001).
D. J. Blumenthal, "Multidimensional Multiwavelength Circuit Packet Switching Using Wavelength Conversion via Four Wave Mixing (FWM) in Semiconductor," (2001).
D. J. Blumenthal, "Error Rate Measurement Instrumentation for Multiwavelength Optical Switching," (2001).